
Великобритания (Great Britain) топик по английскому с переводом. England - Англия, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик Англия рассказ на английском с переводом

About three thousand years B efore C hrist (BC ) people came from the north of Spain (the Iberian Peninsula) to many parts of Europe including the British Isles.

So, those people who lived on the territory of Great Britain in the earliest times were of the Iberian origin. The Iberians used stone weapons and tools.

One of the mysterious monuments of prehistoric Britain is . It was constructed before 2000 BC and is a trace of the ancestors of the British people. Stonehenge is a circle of huge stone slabs. It is situated in the southern part of England.

Why exactly it was built is unknown, but it may have religious and political significance. No one can tell for sure how these large stones were moved or from what places they were brought. Stonehenge is still a mystery to scholars and to all the descendants.

The Tribes of Celts

In the 7th century BC the Iberians faced a great problem because the British Isles were invaded by the Celts. The Celts may originally have come from eastern and central Europe.

Celtic people lived in tribes. Each tribe was ruled by its own queen or king who represented a warrior class. The priests, called druids , were important members of Celtic tribes. These druids could not read or write but they memorized all the religious teaching, the tribal laws, history, medicine and natural philosophy.

According to the Romans, the Celtic men wore shirts and bridges and striped or checked cloak fastened by a pin. It is possible that the Scottish tartan and dress developed from this type of cloak.

Celtic tribes were represented by the Picts, the Scots and the Britons .

The Picts settled in the mountains in the North. Some Picts and several tribes of the Scots settled in Ireland. But later the Scots decided to return from Ireland to the larger island of present-day Great Britain. They chose its northern part. Now this part is called Scotland.

The Britons were the most powerful of all the Celtic tribes and they occupied most of the country including islandТs southern half. It was named Britain after them. The Britons chose land for living along the rivers or near the coasts of the sea. What they did was fishing, growing wheat and breeding sheep in the meadows.

The Iberians were weak compared to the Celts. They could not fight back because the Celts were well-armed with metal spears, swords and axes.

Hardly anything is left of the Celtic languages except for the names of some rivers — the Thames, the Mersey, the Severn and the Avon and two large cities — London and Leeds.

Читайте также другие темы раздела "Some historical facts about Great Britain / Некоторые исторические факты о Великобритании" :

  • The Tribes of Celts / Некоторые исторические факты о Великобритании. Племена кельтов

15 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Выдающиеся события в истории Великобритании

Топик по английскому языку: Выдающиеся события в истории Великобритании (Оutstanding events in the history of Great Britain). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.


В истории Великобритании было множество выдающихся событий. Тысячи лет назад Великобритания была соединена с Европой и покрыта льдом. Страна превратилась в остров 8000 лет назад. Первые люди пришли в Великобританию два с половиной миллиона лет назад. Они были охотниками и добытчиками пищи, которые использовали простые каменные инструменты и орудия.

Часть Римской Империи

В 43 году римляне вторглись в Британию, и она стала частью Римской Империи, что несомненно наложило свой отпечаток на Британию и, даже сегодня, кое-где можно увидеть руины римских построек, крепостей и дорог.


Позже были вторжения анго-саксов и викингов, но самым важным было нормандское завоевание, которое началось в 1066. Нормандцы сильно повлияли на британскую цивилизацию. Они построили много замков и внедрили феодальную систему.


Черная смерть, или бубонская чума, которая обрушилась на Англию в 1348 и продолжалась до 1349, унесла жизни почти половины населения страны.


Акты объединения 1536, 1707 и 1800 объединили Англию с Уэльсом, Шотландией и Ирландией. В 1606 государственный флаг Соединенного Королевства был принят в качестве национального флага Британии.


Среди других выдающихся событий стоит отметить Великую чуму в Лондоне (1664-1665), когда люди заболевали один за другим и умирали за один день. Они пытались убежать из города, но специальный караул их не выпускал. В городе умерли почти 100 000 человек. За этой трагедией последовал Великий пожар, разразившийся в Лондоне в 1666. Он разрушил две трети города: 13 200 домов, 430 улиц и 89 церквей.

Важные события 20 века

Самыми важными событиями, произошедшими в 20 веке были Первая и Вторая мировые войны, начало правления королевы Елизаветы II в 1952 и вступление в Евросоюз в 1973.

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Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain


There were lots of outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. Thousands of years ago, Great Britain was joined to Europe and was covered with ice. The country became an island about 8000 years ago. The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons.

Part of the Roman Empire

In 43 A.D. the Romans invaded Britain and it became part of the Roman Empire, which made its mark on Britain, and even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts and roads can be found all over Britain.


Later, there were invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, but the most important was the Norman Conquest, which began in 1066. The Normans influenced the British civilization greatly. They built lots of castles and imposed a feudal system.


The Black Death or bubonic plague, which arrived in England in 1348 and continued till 1349, killed nearly half of the population.

Acts of Union

Acts of Union of 1536, 1707 and 1800 joined England with Wales, Scotland and Ireland respectively. In 1606 the Union flag was adopted as the National Flag of Britain.


Among some other outstanding events we should mention the Great Plague in London (1664-1665), when people fell ill one after another and died in one day. They began to run out of the city but the special guard didn’t let them go. Nearly 100,000 people died in the city. The tragedy was followed by the Great Fire, which broke out in London in 1666. It destroyed two thirds of the City: 13,200 houses, 430 streets and 89 churches.

Most important events

The most important events that took place in the 20th century were the Fist and the Second World Wars, the beginning of Queen Elizabeth’s II reign in 1952 and joining the European Community in 1973.


The late medieval and early modern periods saw a fairly steady process of standardization in English south of the Scottish border. The written and spoken language of London continued to evolve and gradually began to have a greater influence in the country at large. For most of the Middle English period a dialect was simply what was spoken in a particular area, which would normally be more or less represented in writing - although where and from whom the writer had learnt how to write were also important. It was only when the broadly London standard began to dominate, especially through the new technology of printing, that the other regional varieties of the language began to be seen as different in kind. As the London standard became used more widely, especially in more formal contexts and particularly amongst the more elevated members of society, the other regional varieties came to be stigmatized , as lacking social prestige and indicating a lack of education. In the same period a series of changes also occurred in English pronunciation (though not uniformly in all dialects), which go under the collective name of the Great Vowel Shift . These were purely linguistic sound changes which occur in every language in every period of history. The changes in pronunciation weren’t the result of specific social or historical factors, but social and historical factors would have helped to spread the results of the changes. As a result the so-called pure vowel sounds which still characterize many continental languages were lost to English. The phonetic pairings of most long and short vowel sounds were also lost, which gave rise to many of the oddities of English pronunciation, and which now obscure the relationships between many English words and their foreign counterparts.

Отдельной строкой и, соответственно, топиком стоит рассказать о прошлом страны. История Англии очень длинная, многообразная. Любовь и ненависть, злость и предательства, война и мир, смена династий, падение и восхождение - чего только там не было. Об о всем об этом лаконично, грамотно и кратко расскажет наша статья.

Если вы хотите понять душу Англии, то вам непременно стоит научиться описывать историю Великобритании на английском. Лично для вас — это расширение словарного запаса, кругозора. Помимо этого, вы будете понимать, как появилось название, монархия и не упадете в грязь при беседе на эту тему лицом даже с коренными жителями. Итак, как звучит история Англии на английском языке?

The history of Great Britain is long and very exciting. The Celts 1 crossed over from Europe to the British Isles centuries before the Roman invasion 2 .The Roman province in this area covered 3 most of the territory of present Wales and England. The Romans influenced 4 the way of living, language and culture greatly.

In the 5th centure the Angles and the Saxons (two Germanic tribes) 5 settled 6 in Britain and occupied a very vast 7 territory. They were pagans 8 . Christianity 9 came to Britain from Rome in 597. Angeles and Saxons conquered 10 against Celts during the 5th and 6th centuries A.D. These Germanic conquerors gave England its name — «Angle» land.

In the 11th century Normans invaded 11 Britain. This invasion had a great influence on the life of Britain. For example, a feudal system was imposed 12 — Lords, barons who were French-speaking Normans and the peasants 13 (the English-speaking Saxons). So the English class system was built. At this time Middle English as a language dominated in England.

During the 16th century the English monarch became very powerful. The Tudor dynasty (1485-1603) established 14 a system of government. Parliament was split 15 into two Houses and compeletely depended on the monarch. But during the 17th century it was established the supremacy 16 of the parliament over the monarchy in Britain. The conflict had happend and the Civil War 17 began. Parliament won the war, the king was executed 18 and Oliver Cromwell became the leader. But after his death this system of government was forgotten and the son of the king was returned to the throne.

In the 18th century the Industrial Revolution 19 started. Many of people who had lived in the rural areas 20 moved to towns. The population of London became about a million. In the next century Britain governed one of the biggest world’s Empire. It was made up 21 of Canada, Ireland, India, Australia and large parts of Africa. They had internal 22 self-government, but recognized the authority 23 of the British government. Britain had a great economic power. The English spread their culture around the world.

The 20th century was not stable. There were a lot of struggles for the rights: women, the working class. They became more powerful and stronger.

Of course, I have told you the main facts about the past of the country. There were a lot of interesting events in Briatan and you can read about them in special literature.


  1. Celts — кельты
  2. the Roman invasion — римское нашествие, завоевание
  3. covered — покрывать/ занимать
  4. influenced — влиять/ воздействовать
  5. the Angles and the Saxons (two Germanic tribes) — Англы и Саксы (два племени)
  6. settle — осесть
  7. vast — обширный
  8. pagans — язычники
  9. Christianity — христианство
  10. conquer- завоевывать
  11. invade — вторглись/ напали/ захватили
  12. impose — навязывать
  13. peasants — крестьяне
  14. establish — установить
  15. to be split — быть расколотым
  16. the supremacy — верховенство
  17. Civil War — гражданская война
  18. to be executed — быть казненным
  19. the Industrial Revolution — индустриальная (промышленная) революция
  20. rural areas — сельская местность
  21. to be made up — состояла из
  22. internal — внутренний
  23. recognized the authority — признавать авторитет/ верховенство/ подчинялись власти

Представленная нами история Великобритании на английском будет вам хорошим началом в углублении знаний. Мы перечислили наиболее важные события, наиболее значимые, но вы на этом можете не останавливаться. Поверьте, там столько тайн, которые непременно вовлекут вас в чудесный мир прошлого.

Topic: Great Britain

Тема: Великобритания

Другая вещь, которая привлекает большое количество туристов - особая политическая система, которая существует в этой стране, как вы знаете, Великобритания имеет королеву - Елизавету II. Система называется конституционной монархией. Кроме того, есть одна особенность этой страны - здесь нет такого документа, как конституция, вместо этого существует особый набор правил, которые должен соблюдать каждый гражданин Великобритании. Парламент в стране состоит из трех частей. Это Монархи, Палата Лордов и Объединённая Палата.

Great Britain has many places of interest, that is why the country attracts a big number of tourists. situated in the London city, where you can also find many interesting places. In my opinion, every person who is travelling to Great Britain should visit the London city. There are some interesting facts about London. London is built on the river Thames. , that span the river. The first bridge was wooden and the Romans built it. London is divided of the government.

Великобритания имеет много интересных мест, поэтому страна привлекает большое количество туристов. Среди наиболее известных достопримечательностей, есть Биг-Бен, Вестминстерское аббатство, которое находится в городе Лондон, где вы также можете найти много интересных мест. На мой взгляд, каждый человек, который путешествует в Великобританию должны посетить город Лондон. Вот некоторые интересные факты о Лондоне. Лондон построен на реке Темзе. В городе есть 15 мостов, которые охватывают реку. Первый мост был деревянным и построили его римляне. Лондон делится на отдельные локальные единицы правительства.

Among the special things, concerning Great Britain, it is necessary to mention the famous red double decker buses and the unique red British telephone boxes. Every person who takes big interest in Britishness will also mention the two famous characters – Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. There is also the museum of Sherlock Holmes , where you will get a chance to feel the special atmosphere of the detective stories.

Среди особенных вещей, которые касаются Великобритании, необходимо отметить, знаменитые красные двухэтажные автобусы и уникальные красные британские телефонные будки. Каждый человек, который очень интересуется британистикой, также вспомнит о двух знаменитых персонажах - Шерлоке Холмсе и докторе Ватсоне. Существует также музей Шерлока Холмса на знаменитой Бейкер-стрит, где вы получите возможность почувствовать особую атмосферу детективов.

Another special feature of Great Britain is its climate. As you know, very often the country is called – . There is a real reason for it. Usually,

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